Monday, December 7, 2015

Ajna (third eye chakra) meditation oil

The sixth chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. An invisible yet powerful third eye, this is your center of intuition. A spiritual chakra, which means “beyond wisdom,” Ajna leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. An open sixth chakra can enable clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization.

The third eye chakra inspires your visionary process and fosters understanding, while minimizing the cloudiness of illusion and confusion. An invisible yet powerful third eye, this is your center of intuition. Use this anointing oil during oracle work, meditation or any intuitive exercise.

1/4 cup of oil
5 drops grapefruit essential oil
4 drops juniper berry essential oil
2 drops Myrrh essential oil

Sahaswara (Crown chakra) anointing oil

The seventh chakra, Sahaswara, is referred to as the thousand-petal lotus chakra. This is the top chakra of the seven and located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to all that is. It is a connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately the divine energy that creates everything in the universe. 

It is a connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately to the divine energy that creates everything in the universe. Use this anointing oil in exercises in which you seek to connect directly with the divine.

I like fractionated coconut oil as the carrier to this anointing oil.  

1/4 cup carrier oil
6 drops Frankincense essential oil
3 drops Myrhh essential oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
1 drop sweet basil essential oil

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Vishuddha (throat chakra) tincture

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is the first of the three spiritual chakras. In the area of the throat, it governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. To be open and aligned in the fifth chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. Faith and understanding combine the essence of the Vishuddha chakra. The element corresponding to the fifth chakra is ether or space, and the sense is hearing.

Authentic expression is not something that comes easily. There’s a delicate dance between saying what you mean and staying tactful or diplomatic. Often it’s easier to say what the other person may want to hear instead of speaking your truth. Fear of not being accepted, or judgment from the other may hinder your truthful verbal expression.

I've chosen a tincture to take by mouth for this application. It can be used when use need support to speak your truth with a calm demeanor.

2 parts peppermint tincture
1 part elder berry tincture
1 part passion flower tincture

Anahata (heart chakra) anointing oil

The Heart Chakra is your love center. It creates vulnerability, anxiety and dependency but also unconditional love and self love. The Heart Chakra is the center of deep connection and compassion for other people, animals and the environment.

Some signs that the Heart Chakra is out of balance are:
  • Lack of self discipline
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • An attempt to live vicariously through another
  • Dependence on someone else for your happiness
I've selected a small roll on anointing oil for this chakra balancing tool because I believe that (like Manipura) this is often something we need to work on most while interacting with the world. When you find yourself being overwhelmed by or cut off from compassion towards others you can apply the oil to the breast bone. It is also a lovely oil to use in a warm oil or spray diffuser.

You will need a roll on applicator, a small mixing vessel, a funnel and the following oils:

1/4 cup base oil (I like fractionated coconut)
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops bergamot essential oil
2 drops rosemary essential oil

Blend the oils gently then bottle and label.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Headache Treatment Inhaler

This must be the first thing I have ever done with non diluted essential oils. I got the idea from an allergy inhaler recipe I saw on the interweb. I keep a small jar of lavender in my desk to smell when I have a slight headache and don't want to take anything and I thought this would be a nice alternative.

Despite the heavy lavender use the chamomile is quite forward. I added the eucalyptus primarily to open up the nasal passages.

2 inhaler tubes

30 drops lavender essential oil
15 drops chamomile essential oil
2 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Mix all drops, then use the absorption core that comes with the inhalers (or a refill) to soak up the oil. Use tweezers to move the soaked core to the inhaler tube and then cap it on the bottom.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra Inhaler

Manipura (solar plexus) Chakra Inhaler

The Solar Plexus Chakra is a center of personal strength, learning and comprehension. It guides you through life by creating a strong sense of self, setting personal boundaries and building self esteem and willpower. The ability to bring change into your life and to the world is born within this Chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the fire element because fire provides warmth and comfort, but also can cause fear and terror. This chakra spans a wide emotional area.

I've selected an inhaler for the this chakra application because the solar plexus being out of balance can greatly affect your interactions with others. An inhaler is convenient and doesn't interact with others. Use the inhaler any time your feel out of balance or need to project a well developed sense of yourself. 

You will need an inhaler tube (which includes a open tube, topper, wick and butt), a small mixing vessel, tweezers and the following essential oils:

6 drops grapefruit essential oil
6 drops roman chamomile essential oil
2 drops bergamot essential oil

Carefully (to avoid waste) add the essential oil drops to the mixing bowl. Drop the wick into the vessel and use it to soak up all of the essential oil. Dismantle the inhaler tube. Using your tweezers (to avoid pure essential oils on your skin) pick up the wick and drop it in the open tube. Insert the butt and then put the cap on.

To use, hold the opened inhaler to your nostril and breath in. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tranquility Tonic Receipt

I do adore this calming tincture. It helps with tension headaches and eases anxiety. 

4 parts lavender tincture
1 part chamomile tincture
1 part linden flower tincture
1 part mugwort tincture
1 part passion flower tincture

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) monograph

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
Family: Asteraceae

Common medicinal properties: Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Circulation, Febrifuge, Insect repellents

Current Research: Preventing migraine headache. Some research shows that taking feverfew by mouth can reduce the frequency of migraine headaches and reduce pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise when they do occur. Feverfew may be more effective in people with more frequent migraine attacks. But there are also studies that concluded that feverfew doesn’t work for migraines. The difference in results may be explained by the differences in feverfew products that were tested. The Canadian government allows manufacturers of a certain feverfew formulation (containing 0.2% of a chemical called parthenolide) to claim that their product can be used to prevent migraines.

Contraindications: Do not take feverfew if you are pregnant. Feverfew may cause your uterus to contract. This may raise the risk of miscarriage or preterm delivery. It's also best to avoid using it when breastfeeding.
  • Parts Used: arial parts

  • Constituents: Sesquiterpene lactones (including parthenolide and santamarine), volatile oil, tannins

Folk applications: Carried for protection against cold, fever and accident.

Personal observations



Water infusion:

Alcohol infusion from dried:

Oil infusion:

Essential oil:


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Great Expectations Tea

A tea for an expectant mother that has struggled with anemia during pregnancy previously.

2 parts raspberry leaves
2 parts nettle leaves
1 part lavender
1 part oat straw

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chakra Receipts

This is a collection of receipts for items that support chakra work. I hope to add to it in the future.

Svadhisthana (sacral chakra) bath salts

sacral chakra
The Sacral Chakra is your passion and pleasure center and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment.

The gift of this chakra is experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations. The second chakra is the centre of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.

The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness.

This bath salt receipt is great treatment for those times when we feel disconnected from joy, pleasure and intimacy. Simply add a scoop of salts to the bath, enjoy the aroma and relax.

2 cups salt base*
*4 parts sea salt
*4 parts epsom salt
*1 part baking soda 
20 drops orange essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil

Making Tinctures

Tinctures are herbs extracted with alcohol, glycerin, or vinegar. Tinctures provide a convenient method of preserving herbs as well as an effective delivery mechanism.  Stored in brown glass, in a cool dark place they should be good for at least two or three years, and probably much longer. The ingredients needed to make a tincture are the solvent and the herbs. When choosing a solvent it is wise to review the soluble constituents of the herbal material. 

Menstruums :There are three basic menstruums, or solvents used to extract the chemical compounds of herbs in tinctures, alcohol, glycerin, and vinegar. Alcohol is the most used because it can extract fats, resins, waxes,most alkaloids, and some of the volatile oils, as well as many other plant compounds. Water is also necessary to extract the water soluble plant chemicals. Using an 80 to 100 proof alcohol such as vodka, brandy and gin provides the alcohol-water ratio you need without having to add anything. If pure grain alcohol ( 190 proof) is used, water will have to be added. Don't use city tap water that contains chlorine, use either distilled or pure spring water 

Herbs: Either fresh or dried finely chopped herbs can be used. Use of one pint of menstruum to two ounces of dried herbs, or about two handfuls of fresh. The important thing is to completely cover the herbs, leaving a couple of extra inches of liquid about the herbs to allow for swelling as the herbs absorb the liquid. Leave some headroom in the jar. If using vinegar, warm first before pouring it over the herbs.Chop herbs finely Place in a glass jar, labeled with the current date and name of the herb Add sufficient liquid menstruum to completely cover the herb Cap with a tight fitting lid, put the jar in a dark place at room temperature, and shake at least once daily. After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the contents through several layers of cheesecloth. Allow to settle overnight in a clean jar Restrain through a filter paper Store in a labeled, amber glass bottle away from light and heat. The Chinese macerate herbs for months sometimes even years. For stronger tinctures a suggested time can be 4 to 6 weeks. The duration depends on the mixture and on your patience, in time you will develop your own style. I use a kitchen cupboard that I open on a regular basis, so I don't forget the shake the bottle. Tinctures will keep for several years. The standard dose is one tablespoon in 4 oz  of water once or twice a day. 

Using vinegar to tincture herbs. Alcohol has mostly displaced vinegar as a menstruum for making liquid herbal extracts, as it is far more efficient in extracting and preserving the medicinal properties of herbs. Vinegar is however passable solvent and useful in cases where you wish to avoid alcohol. When used in conjunction with alcohol, vinegar can sometimes assist in the extraction of alkaloid (base) substances from herbs. Such an extract containing both vinegar and alcohol is known as an acetous tincture. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Joint Support Ticture

D asked for black cherry supplements and said it was for joint support. This receipt is for him and joint support. First developed on 03/20/15.

1 part lemon tincture
2 parts burdock tincture
2 parts nettle tincture

Muladhara (Root Chakra) grounding spray

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.

Your root chakra is intimately tied to your sense of physical security. Your ability to survive this incarnation is required for most people to thrive in spiritual work. I've developed this spray to enhance meditations that work with the root chakra or other grounding activities. I use it when I feel off kilter and to promote my own personal shadow work. I typically will either spray it in the air  above or in front of me, or spray ONCE directly onto my wrist so I can sniff throughout a meditation session when I begin to wander.

2 oz distilled water
2 oz 80 proof vodka
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops bergamot essential oil
5 drops cedarwood essential oil
5 drops vetiver essential oil